Monday, 7 November 2011

Continuity Issues

During the filming of our final product, there are many factors that could affect the outcome. A key factor that we will be looking out for is continuity.

Continuity within music video, TV show, film, etc. is something that always needs a lot of the directors focus. If there are continuity issues then it can distract the viewer and make the whole thing look rushed and low quality.

An example of bad continuity in the TV show 'Friends' follows:

(Source: Youtube, Moviemistakes)

Continuity mistakes can either be minor and hard to spot or it could be something that all viewers would notice that would distract the audience. We are aiming to address our continuity issues before they occur as during our music video, there is a 'bump' where to two characters collide and switch clothes and because everything needs to be filmed more than once just in case it doesn't go correctly, continuity will be a big deal and we intend to make our product have as few mistakes as possible.

Another continuity issue we need to watch out for is that because of the time of year, it isn't as light for as long, so we will need to make sure we film everything chronologically, as the slightest change the light can affect the entire product. However, with this issue, we would be likely to be able to fix it with editing if we needed to, but it would be better to not have to deal with it and to get it right first time. In order to prevent this, we have looked up the sunrise and sunset times so we have a vague idea of our timings.

Screen Shot 2011-11-07 at 16.46.14

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