Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Our Analysis of 2 music videos of our choice

Goodwin Analysis:

1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. stage performance in metal video, dance routine for boy/girl band).
2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
3. There is a relationship between music and visuals (either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting).
4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style).
5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
6. There is often intertextual reference (to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc).

1. The characteristics have shown a stereotypical narrative of being young and in love.

2. The relationship between the visuals and the lyrics of the video 'Best Thing I Ever Had' has been demonstrated by the slow pace of the video, this helps encapsulate the message that she is trying to convey through her words. This being to help increase the self confidence in woman.

3. The relationship between the music and visuals has been demonstrated to give the similar emotions to what the character portrayed is feeling.

4. Within Beyonce's videos she has always portrayed herself as a strong, independent woman, and is an icon for the modern woman.

5. The female body haas been represented as a proud statuesque figure of going against the stereotypical image of women in modern music videos and creating a new trend of music video.

1. This has shown the stereotypical dance/RnB of the choreography and the lasers giving it a good feel mood.

2. In this video there isn't a correlation between the dance moves and the song lyrics so it shows that the dance is more there to make the artist look good and allow him to show off without having to explain why.

3. The video style fits with the stereotypical beat of the song.

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