Friday, 23 September 2011

Mise en scene ideas


We have decided that we should have a contrast in the costumes for out characters; in order to do this we have decided to use 'stereotypical' characters; and to use characters which would never normally talk to one another; again creating a complete contrast between the characters.

Character 1

Character 1 is going to seem the well spoken and intelligent character who has had a good education and also has a good job and in general has a very high quality of life. He/She will be dressed in extremely smart clothes perhaps a suit with shoes rather than trainers; the characters will perhaps have props such as a briefcase or handbag depending on the gender of the character. in general the character will seem like a stereotypical businessman/woman who is always tidy.

Character 2

Character 2 is the complete opposite to character 1 due to the fact that this character is going to be seen as a stereotypical 'Chav' who may be considered to live on a rough estate and to have no money and have a lower quality of life and not be able to afford the same things as character 1 can. Character 2 will be dressed in more casual clothes such as a tracksuit with high top trainers and be carrying an ipod and constantly texting.  This character will be seen to be very untidy and in a sense scruff.

Overall because there will be an extreme difference between the costumes of each character it makes the other seem more stereotypical. For example because character 1 is very well dressed it will make character 2 look scruffy and very uneducated in comparison to character 1. Creating the perfect comparison that we want to achieve.

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