Wednesday, 19 October 2011

classification Research ( BBFC )

The british board of film classification is an independent and non government body which classifies cinema films and has done since it was set up in 1912 and then videos and DVDS since the video recordings Act was passed in 1984. there are 6 categories in which films are rated, the most common are U PG 12 15 and 18. however there are also Uc 12A and R18.  

U is Universal meaning it is suitable for all ages. 

PG is parental guidance meaning it is suitable for all but parents are advised to check the content so they think its suitable for younger or more sensitive children. 

 12 and 12A means that it is suitable for ages 12 and above.                

15 is for ages 15 and over meaning you are not allowed to view, buy or rent a 15 rated film until you are 15 years of age. 

18 films are designed for age 18 and above you are not allowed to purchase buy or watch an 18 rated film until you are 18 years of age. due to the content within the film. 

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